Our Purpose
"To serve those around us and build confidence, happiness, and hope through improved wellness, and to do our part to help alleviate suffering worldwide."
Dr. Keith Moeller, CEO
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Passion for People
We are in the business of people, not stuff.
We believe in doing well by doing good.
For our customers, people, technology, and the opportunities ahead of us.
We serve others and help to improve lives.
We do the right thing, and we keep our word.
We change and create for the better.
Our Story
SilverCeuticals was created and launched in the beginning of 2022 by Dr. Keith Moeller, CEO and longtime expert in the silver industry. Our main purpose with SilverCeuticals is “To serve those around us and build confidence, happiness, and hope through improved wellness, and to do our part to help alleviate suffering worldwide." Moeller got his start in the business of silver over 40 years ago when his father, Bill Moeller, purchased silver mines in the West Desert of Utah, USA. When the price of silver began to plummet due to a recession, Moeller began to explore ways to use silver medicinally to keep the mine open and be able to help others at the same time. Silver has been used for centuries in wound care, as a food and water preservative, and to build up and support the immune system with its natural anti-microbial properties. After thorough research and learning, the Moellers were able to create a proprietary Nano-Silver technology that could be used in colloidal silver applications that is stable, more effective, and totally safe!
Dr. Keith Moeller wanted to offer this Nano-Silver liquid magic, which is infused into all our products, available direct to consumer under its own brand. The SilverCeuticals brand was launched with a leadership team consisting of doctors, medical professionals, attorneys, financial advisors, chemists, business development experts, and the highest quality supply chain partners. The internal leadership team alone has over 100 years of combined experience in the medicinal silver industry. And they are all dedicated to the same purpose of serving, improving lives, and alleviating suffering.
Staying true to our purpose, we recently rolled out our Affiliate Marketing Program for influencers and individuals to participate with us to serve, improve lives, and alleviate suffering through our products. Affiliates have their own link where customers can purchase products at a 25% discount and the affiliate receives a commission from sales that come as a result of their sharing efforts, social media posts, and clicks to their own shopping cart link.
Affiliate Program
Prices subject to change over time. Commission percentages should stay the same, so numbers may fluctuate.